Dressing up as Mum

image7edit This photo was taken on my dads iPhone as a practise to see how the photos on my disposable would come out. I wanted to make sure the composition was right. I wanted the table cloth in as I love the pattern and how old fashioned it is. Also we have an old fashioned tv in our kitchen which adds to the affect. The only thing that stands out to me as modern is the clock on the wall. When dressing up as my mum I used this photo as inspiration. I love my mum in this photo as she’s all dressed up and looks happy. christine-010-sall-me-looking-particularly-gorgeous-and-raunchy-feb-90

I tried to copy her posture of arching her back and smiling right at the camera. I tried to look like her as much as possible so I curled my hair and put it up and put red lipstick on. I also borrowed one of her dresses, which I now where all the time! I love the pattern on it and it reminds me of the dress in Stacey Whitakers photo ‘Iris.’ I showed this to my friend Beth to get a critique of the photo and she said I looked like my mother, and that she loved how my house had old furniture in. She said to improve my next photos I could go to a different setting, one where my mum has had photos taken before, also I could layer old photos and new ones. Im going to take her comments on and hopefully go to different locations. Hopefully when I get the photos developed they’ll look as good, however they won’t have the colour affect I’ve put on the photo. However I can scan them in and change them.

image14edit In this photo I wanted to copy the picture of my mum on the phone but I decided that using my house phone would make it look too modern. I picked the lounge to take this photo as it has less modern things in and I really like the composition with the piano in the background with ornaments placed on top. I managed to find clothes like my mum was wearing so it makes me look even more like her. I again put a filter on, the same as the first photo but faded it quite alot because I don’t want all the pictures to look the same as none of the one’s of my mum do. I think this is one of my favourites as it has the exact same pose as the origional.  christine-016mumma christine-014image22edit2 christine-012image23edit2christine-002

Mother – Christine Hawkins


This is a photo of my mum when she was younger and a picture of me bended together on photoshop. I did it because I wanted to see how alike I was to my mother and it turns out quite alot! All our features are the same; our eyes, mouth, smile lines and nose all match up. Its quite weird seeing how alike we are and when I showed it to my mum she was freaked out. I really like the texture of the 2 types of hair against each other and the way the skin looks almost grainy. This photograph has inspired me to do more photos around my mother because we have such a good relationship and so it means alot to me.



This is my initial mind map of ideas I could do for my project; History and Memory. I chose to do this topic as it interests me and I immediately could think of loads of ideas to do. There are endless possibilities with this topic as everything is history and every photo is a memory but I’ve chose these topics to look at as they all have a bigger meaning than just history.
My favourite of these topics to look at would be Past/Present/Future, My family history, childhood memories and memories that mean something to you.